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Harrisburg Area Confirmation Camp
Event Info:
  • June 19 - June 25, 2022
  • Nawakwa


Learn more at: http://harrisburgconfirmationcamp.org/

The Harrisburg Area Confirmation Camp, serves approximately 30+ congregations that attend from various conferences, across our synod. Between 250-300 youth and their congregational advisors gather each year for one week in June, to explore the ways God is calling them into a life of discipleship in the world.

Pastors and congregational youth workers and volunteers comprise the event staff, and serve alongside college-aged students who assist as small group discussion leaders alongside adult staff, and as cabin counselors. Youth in grades 7-12, can participate in one of a number of curriculum tracks:

Pathfinders (7th grade)
Saints (8th grade)
God’s Gifted People (9th grade)
Maturing in the Body of Christ (10th grade)
Leadership Training (11th Grade)
Counselors (12th grade+college undergrads)

Each track has a week-long curriculum, led by adult staff and counselors, meeting primarily in small groups, but the week is highlighted by all-camp worship on a daily basis, along with all-camp games, activities, campfires, and opportunities for fellowship and peer-to-peer learning. While the overall theme of the week focuses on what it means to be a baptized Child of God in today’s world, each track focuses on a different aspect of our development as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Started in the early 70’s as a cooperative ministry of Harrisburg city Lutheran churches, the camp now has participating congregations from a variety of conferences, but still bears the original name. To learn more about the different tracks, about the 40+ year history of this camp, or to find out how to become a member congregation, visit their website at: http://harrisburgconfirmationcamp.org/