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All Saints Confirmation Camp
Event Info:
  • June 12 - June 17, 2022
  • Nawakwa


The All Saints Confirmation Camp, is a partnership of 20+ synod congregations, held in June, many from the Gettysburg, Hanover and Chambersburg Conferences. Pastors and youth leaders from the various member congregations comprise the staff who lead small group teachings and conversations on a variety of topics related to Confirmation faith formation, Topics include, but are not limited to:

The Creeds
Prayer Practices
The Ten Commandments
The Sacraments: Holy Communion & Baptism
Service in Jesus Name

Youth in the first two years of Confirmation in their home congregations participate in these small group conversations held each morning, and gather with their friends and leaders from their home congregations for conga-time, or “congregation-time,” each day after lunch. Afternoons are spent participating in traditional camp activities like swimming, games, crafts, with cabin groups and Nawakwa staff. Evenings are community activities like campfires, skit nights, outdoor camp games, and inspired worship often held in the beautiful natural chapels dotting the Nawakwa countryside.

For congregations looking to reinforce the basic tenets of Confirmation ministry in the home congregation, this is an ideal cooperative community approach. Say for example, you have just a handful of youth, or have limited opportunity to offer regularly scheduled Confirmation classes, this camp offering will help youth engage with their peers while exploring more deeply the basic building blocks of Confirmation. While it does not “replace” more regular Confirmation study, it does compliment whatever you might offer in your home congregation, and exposes youth to other trained leaders and caring adults.

Youth who have been confirmed are also welcome to attend for third and fourth year tracks, focused specifically on leadership development what it means to be a servant leader in the manner of Jesus. In 2019 for example, participants spent a day at First Fruits Farm, a non-profit Christian farm in northern Maryland that grows fruits and vegetables to help those facing food insecurity issues in the Baltimore area. Youth worked alongside volunteers, who help maintain the farm year-round. For many it was one of the highlights of their week, and these powerful “off-site” service opportunities are one of the things that make All Saints Confirmation Camp unique.

Congregations interested in participating in All Saints Confirmation Camp can contact Pastor Kevin Shively, kshively@stmatt.org, or Pastor Steve Herr, pastor@christgettysburg.org, for details on how to get involved in this annual ministry. Congregations are expected to send at least one adult, preferably the pastor or youth leader, with their youth participants.