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The ‘Boundless’ Celebration and Retreat
Event Info:
  • July 24 - July 27, 2022
  • Nawakwa


This is a Lower Susquehanna Synod sponsored event. More information can be found at https://www.lss-elca.org/events/boundless-celebration-retreat/

The Boundless Celebration and Retreat are our synod’s opportunity to gather youth and young adults from across our congregations to gather for a time of faithful conversation, fellowship and fun, in the wake of the ELCA Youth Gathering cancellation for the summer of 2022. You can register for either the Celebration, or for the Celebration and Retreat, but we do ask that you register with your congregational group and that each group have at least one adult advisor attending the event with your youth.

Learn more at https://www.lss-elca.org/events/boundless-celebration-retreat/